Johnson Family

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sam's Sunset
I read somewhere that grief will make a new person out of you it it doesn't kill you in the making. There is definitely some merit to that statement. I am trying to go on which is what Sam would have expected of me but it is so hard.

I wanted to share the sunset that took place the afternoon that Sam died, August 10th. I had this funny little thing that I would talk to God about; it is childlike and silly but I use to always look in the sky for two jet streams; that was God talking back to me telling me that Sam was going to be O.K. Well look at this sunset; it speaks for itself. I'm trusting God with his word.

My prayers are still with all of you. I read everyone's blog everyday. Its the first thing I do when I get to work every morning. Love you all.