Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sam's Sunset
I read somewhere that grief will make a new person out of you it it doesn't kill you in the making. There is definitely some merit to that statement. I am trying to go on which is what Sam would have expected of me but it is so hard.

I wanted to share the sunset that took place the afternoon that Sam died, August 10th. I had this funny little thing that I would talk to God about; it is childlike and silly but I use to always look in the sky for two jet streams; that was God talking back to me telling me that Sam was going to be O.K. Well look at this sunset; it speaks for itself. I'm trusting God with his word.

My prayers are still with all of you. I read everyone's blog everyday. Its the first thing I do when I get to work every morning. Love you all.


Blogger Jill said...

Your family once responded to a blog written by my friend, Caroline Stoufer, who also recently died. I'm working to compile her blog into a keepsake book for her family and friends, and I was wondering if I could include your responses. I don't want the book to sound like she never had responses, that she was writing alone, and some of the responses also contain medical information that might help other people with the same cancer. Would you mind if I include the comments that your family posted to her blog? I'll certainly understand if you say no. You just let me know. I'm thinking about you very much right now. I am heartsick to learn that so many of the people who responded to Caroline's blog early on have also passed on. This is a much needed life lesson for me. Sincerely, Jill Patterson

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